9th Annual 911 Gives Hope Toy Drive Coming This Weekend
The Christmas season is upon us, and once again it's time to turn our attention to making sure children spending the holiday season in area hospitals have presents to open with our ninth annual 911 Gives Hope for the Holidays Toy Drive with Henderson Chevrolet, Buick, GMC!
This is hands-down one of my favorite events every year as we lean on you to help us fill a 53-foot semi trailer full of toys for the kids. As in year's past, we'll set up camp in the east side Walmart parking lot (much like the photo above) and begin our marathon drive at 6:00 a.m. Friday morning with The Rob's Radio Show with Maddie West broadcasting live on-site along with our sister-stations, 103GBF, 99.5 WKDQ, and My 105.3 WJLT. The live broadcasts and toy collection will continue around the clock until 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening. So even if you work second shift, or you're just a night owl who likes to shop while everyone else is sleeping, someone will be on site to take your donation.
In the eight years we've held this toy drive, you've always filled the trailer from front to back with donations, and knowing the generosity of the Tri-State area, I have no doubt this year will same.
New to this year's event is the addition of Walmart in Henderson as a drop-off location for those who live south of the Ohio. Donations at that location will be delivered to the trailer throughout the weekend by our friends at Henderson Chevrolet!
As always, be sure to bring the kids by for the chance to meet Santa Claus!
All donated toys will be distributed to Deaconess and St. Vincent Hospitals, along with the Evansville Psychiatric Children's Center, ECHO Community Healthcare, and the Ronald McDonald House in Evansville, as well as Methodist Hospital in Henderson.
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