Santa Claus is coming to town (Evansville to be specific), and he's making his annual stop on Franklin Street for the 20th annual Santa Land with the West Side Nut Club!

The four-day event, spread over the course of two weekends will be open from 3:00 until 6:00 p.m. at Acorn Plaza (the parking lot across the street from Gerst Haus at the corner of 10th and Franklin) on Saturday, December 8th, Sunday, December 9th, as well as Saturday, December 15th and Sunday, December 16th.

This event is free to attend and features complimentary cookies, hot chocolate, and a free photo with Santa himself. Additional photos will be available with a donation to the West Side Nut Club Scholarship fund.

Ahead of this year's Santa Land will the be the first-ever "Tree Lighting Event" on Saturday, December 1st from 3:00 until 5:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend this celebration of the Franklin Street Christmas tree.

For more info on these events, visit the West Side Nut Club's Facebook page.

[Source: West Side Nut Club Press Release]

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