THANK YOU for listening to My 105.3 during your workday!  I had the pleasure of dropping off a bagful of "Everything You Need to Get You Through Your Workday" to this local business!   

Congratulations to Heidi Haire our latest winner in the "I Listen to My 105.3 At Work" contest.  Heidi and her co-workers listen to My 105.3 WJLT - The Tri-State's Christmas Music Station at Subway on Mary Street in Evansville.

Pictured left to right:  Corrie Dockery, Latorya Baker, Heidi Haire, and Destiney Shell

Subway on Mary Street, Evansville; credit by Deb Turner
Subway on Mary Street, Evansville; credit by Deb Turner

Wake up with the My Morning Show, Bobby and Stacey, (6 am - 10 am). Then listen to My 105.3 all day long at work!  The My Midday Show with Liberty (10 am - 2 pm)  gets you through your hectic day at work.  Then, join me, Deb Turner and the My Afternoon Show through the rest of your work day and your drive home, too. (2 pm - 7 pm).

Be sure to sign up for a visit from My 105.3 WJLT!  Click HERE to enter your work place.

Keep listening to win more great prizes on My 105.3!  Be sure to download our app on your smart phone for a chance to win "exclusive" prizes!  Just click the button below!

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