So, Mother's Day 2017 has come and gone.  I hope you got to enjoy YOUR special day.  I loved that my husband was so thoughtful.  

First thing on Mother's Day morning, I got to relax on the sofa with several cups of coffee with my feet up on the recliner.  Felt great!  Mike got me a dozen beautiful roses - one of my favorite colors, (salmon, tropicana) along with a Mother's Day card and some gift cards.

credit by Deb Turner
credit by Deb Turner

After some relaxation on the recliner, we met with his parents and we treated my mother-in-law (and my father-in-law, too) out to eat for a brunch at Nellie's Restaurant, Newburgh!  Delicious! Afterwards, I went home to plant some tomatoes and flowers.

One thing I did miss and that was being with my own (2) children on Mother's Day.  One was in Austin, TX and the other lives in Indy and they both couldn't make it home.  I did get to talk with them, though which absolutely made my day!

We invite you to tell us your favorite thing about Mother's Day 2017.  Post your pictures on our Facebook page.  #MothersDayMemories  #ShareYourMothersDayStories


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