Lyles Station Historic School and Museum located in Princeton, IN is having a celebration this Saturday, June 17th with games and activities for children, BBQ dinners, live entertainment and more. 


Facebook: Lyles Station Historic School & Museum, Princeton, IN
Facebook: Lyles Station Historic School & Museum, Princeton, IN

It's all part of the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in our country.  From 11 am - 6 pm, the public is invited to take a tour of the authentic Lyles Station Log Cabin & Museum.  Also:

  • guest speakers
  • a petting zoo
  • Chinese auction
  • Tim's Awesome BBQ dinners
  • live entertainment
  • activities and games for children

Lyles Station Historic School and Museum is located at 953 N 500 W, Princeton, IN  47670 (west on SR 64 past Wal Mart to 500 W).  Call 812-385-2534 for more information. Visit Lyles Station Historic School and Museum on their website.

#LylesStationHistoricSchoolandMuseum  #celebrationofreedom

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