It's been just over a month since we adopted Harlie into our family. I'm starting to realize that a lot of things I said "Would never happen in our house". I was totally wrong!

Things like, "I'll never let a dog ride in  my car"

Car ride! Photo by Liberty
Car ride! Photo by Liberty

"I would never let a dog sleep in my bed"

Harlie Taking a Nap in Our Bed. Photo by Liberty
Harlie Taking a Nap in Our Bed. Photo by Liberty

"We can't let a dog on the good couch".

She needed a blankie. Photo by Liberty
She needed a blankie. Photo by Liberty

"Dog food should not be kept in the kitchen".

We need a Harlie shelf
We need a Harlie shelf. Photo by Liberty

Never say never. We opened our house, and I opened my heart. I'm using the vacuum and mopping the floors. Usually, that's Doug's fun chore. Everything that I've had to change is totally worth it. I mean, look at this.

A boy and his dog. Photo by Liberty
A boy and his dog. Photo by Liberty

Maybe you'll find a dog that will chance your life at It Takes A Village

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