During our stay in Nottingham, England with my daughter-in-law's Mom and husband, we got to enjoy some frothy milk in our coffee!  Kim and Mike had an electric milk frother that whipped up your milk in literally about a minute.  

I thought this was a pretty cool gadget to have in the kitchen.  It makes cappuccinos, lattes, hot chocolate, and whatever you need frothy milk for in a recipe.  My husband, Mike and I received a new milk frother for Christmas from Jaclyn and Tony.   I'm loving it!

coffee with frothy milk; credit by Deb Turner
coffee with frothy milk; credit by Deb Turner

Here's some reviews on the best milk frothers.  Click here.


#LittleThingsInLife  #LoveFrothyMilk  #MakesGreatPeppermintMochas  #FrothyHotChocoate

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